Best Medical Science Technology

The term “medical science technology” describes the use of cutting-edge instruments and methods to the study, diagnosis, and treatment of disease.

It includes a broad spectrum of medical technology, such as tele-medicine, imaging technologies, medical devices, and precision medicine. Here are some instances of medical science technology:

Medical devices are tools, equipment, machinery, or implants that are used to identify, treat, or avoid illnesses or other disorders. Pacemakers, insulin pumps, artificial joints, and prosthetic limbs are a few examples.

Pictures aid in Identifying illnesses and Ailments

Imaging Technologies: Imaging technologies, such as X-rays, MRIs, CTs, and PETs (positron emission tomography), produce precise images of the inside of the body. These pictures aid in identifying illnesses and ailments and choosing the best course of action.

Telemedicine is the term for the use of information and communication technology to deliver healthcare remotely. From the convenience of their own homes, individuals can chat with doctors, get medical advice, and even receive treatment.

Precision Medicine: To personalise medical care, precision medicine makes use of cutting-edge technology like genomics and molecular biology.

Doctors can decide the most efficient course of treatment for a patient’s particular ailment or condition by examining the genetic make-up and biological indicators that are distinct to that patient.

Robotic surgery is a form of minimally invasive surgery that employs cutting-edge robotic technology to carry out precise and difficult surgical procedures.

With better visualisation, control, and precision that this technology gives surgeons, problems are decreased and recovery times are shortened.

Wearable Technology

Wearable technology can track a patient’s vital indicators, such as heart rate and blood pressure, and give them feedback on their health. Examples include smartwatches and fitness trackers.

With the use of this technology, patients may track their physical activity and keep an eye on their general health while managing chronic diseases.

Potential to Revolutionise the way Healthcare

New and innovative technologies are continually being created in the field of medical science to enhance patient outcomes.

These technologies have the potential to revolutionise the way healthcare is provided and enhance the lives of patients as they evolve and become more widely available.

A new ultrasound technique might facilitate disease diagnosis

Ultrasound Technique Researchers from the University of Sheffield have created a novel ultrasonic technique that, for the first time, can gauge the degree of tension in human tissue, a crucial sign of disease.

The discovery, made by Dr. Artur Gower of the university’s mechanical engineering department in collaboration with scientists from Harvard, Tsinghua University, and the University of Galway, may be used to create new ultrasound machines that are better able to identify cancerous tissue, scarring, and abnormal tissue.

Researchers from the University of Sheffield have created a novel ultrasonic technique that, for the first time, can gauge the degree of tension in human tissue, a crucial sign of disease.

Used to Create New Ultrasound Machines

The discovery, made by Dr. Artur Gower of the university’s mechanical engineering department in collaboration with scientists from Harvard, Tsinghua University, and the University of Galway, may be used to create new ultrasound machines that are better able to identify cancerous tissue, scarring, and abnormal tissue.

Using sound waves, ultrasounds can provide images of the inside organs of a person. However, the images generated by the existing medical imaging methods are frequently insufficient to determine whether tissues are aberrant.

The researchers created a method to use an ultrasound scanner to monitor factors like tension in order to enhance diagnosis. All living tissue produces tension, so measuring it can reveal whether the tissue is healthy or afflicted by disease.

Railway lines using Sound Waves

The researchers used a method from a rail project at the University of Sheffield that measures stress along railway lines using sound waves.

The method, which is used for both rail and medical ultrasound, is based on a straightforward tenet: the higher the tension, the faster the sound waves spread.

The researchers created a technique that transmits two sound waves in various directions using this idea. The researchers’ mathematical hypotheses are then used to relate the tension to the wave speed.

Earlier Ultrasound Techniques

It has been difficult for earlier ultrasound techniques to distinguish between stiff tissue and tissue under tension. The created method is the first to be able to measure tension for any kind of soft tissue without having any prior knowledge of it.

The researchers describe the novel technique and show how they applied it to quantify muscular tension in a new publication that was published in the journal Science Advances.

Dr. Artur Gower, Lecturer in Dynamics at the University of Sheffield, said: “When you visit the hospital, a doctor might use an ultrasound device to create an image of an organ, like your liver, or another part of your body, like your gut, to help them explore what the potential cause of a problem might be.

Detect Aberrant Tissue and Disease Earlier

Today’s ultrasound technology has some drawbacks, one of which is that the image alone cannot determine whether any of your tissues are abnormal.

We created a brand-new ultrasonic measurement technique for gauging tissue stress. This level of specificity can help us determine whether some tissues are aberrant, affected by disease or scarring, or both.

This method allows ultrasound to quantify forces inside tissue for the first time, and it could now be utilised to create new ultrasound devices that can detect aberrant tissue and disease earlier.

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Real-time monitoring of radiation therapy offers safer, more efficient cancer treatment

Radiation Therapy For the first time, radiation, which is used to treat 50% of cancer patients, can be assessed while a patient is receiving treatment thanks to accurate 3D imaging created by the University of Michigan.

Medical experts may map the radiation dose throughout the body and use this new information to guide therapies in real time by catching and amplifying the minute sound waves that are produced when X-rays heat tissues in the body.

It offers a unique perspective on a situation that doctors had previously been unable to “see.”

Xueding Wang, professor of radiology and the Jonathan Rubin Collegiate Professor

The body becomes essentially a black box after radiation is administered, according to Xueding Wang, professor of radiology and the Jonathan Rubin Collegiate Professor of Biomedical Engineering and the study’s corresponding author. He oversees the U-M Optical Imaging Laboratory as well.

We are unsure of the precise location of the X-rays’ impact inside the body as well as the amount of radiation being delivered to the target. Additionally, since every body is unique, it might be challenging to foresee both features.

Each year, hundreds of thousands of cancer patients receive radiation therapy, which involves hitting a specific area of the body with high energy waves and particles, typically X-rays.

Undermining their Advantages

Radiation has the ability to completely destroy cancer cells or harm them so they can’t proliferate.

Radiation treatment frequently kills and destroys healthy cells in the regions around a tumour, undermining their advantages. Additionally, it may increase the chance of cancer development.

“With real-time 3D imaging, medical professionals can more precisely target radiation treatment at malignant cells while limiting exposure to nearby tissues.

They only need to “listen” to accomplish it. X-rays are converted into heat energy when they are absorbed by bodily tissues. The rapid tissue expansion brought on by the heating results in the creation of a sound wave.

Ultrasonic Transducers Positioned on the Patient’s Side

Since the acoustic wave is faint, conventional ultrasound technology typically cannot detect it. With a number of ultrasonic transducers positioned on the patient’s side, the new ionising radiation acoustic imaging system from U-M locates the wave.

For the purpose of reconstructing an image, the signal is amplified and then sent to an ultrasound machine.

According to Kyle Cuneo, associate professor of radiation oncology at Michigan Medicine, “in future applications, this technology can be used to personalise and adapt each radiation treatment to ensure that the tumour receives the intended dose while normal tissues are kept to a safe dose.”

Near Radiation-sensitive organs like the Small Bowel

When the target is near radiation-sensitive organs like the small bowel or stomach, this technology would be extremely helpful.

Wang, Cuneo, and Issam El Naqa, an adjunct professor of radiation oncology at the U-M Medical School, make up the study team under the direction of U-M. At the Moffitt Cancer Centre, the team collaborates with others.

The University of Michigan has submitted a patent protection application and is looking for collaborators to help commercialise the technology.

The National Cancer Institute and the Michigan Institute for Clinical and Health Research provided funding for the study.

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Smart Smoking Cessation aid put Around the Neck

Smart Smoking The number one preventable cause of illness, incapacity, and death globally continues to be cigarette smoking. Numerous hazardous substances included in cigarette smoke contribute to tobacco-related disorders.

The relationship between human exposure to particular chemicals and their negative effects is still unknown. Measuring smoking topography, or how the smoker smokes the cigarette (puffs, puff volume, and puff length), has been a first step in bridging the information gap.

However, existing gold-standard methods for smoking topography need pricey, invasive sensor systems that limit their potential for in-the-wild real-time therapies.

Created a Sophisticated Neck-worn Gadget

Researchers from Northwestern Medicine have now created a sophisticated neck-worn gadget that resembles a lapis blue pendant and can detect smoking considerably more accurately than earlier systems.

The SmokeMon, a pendant-shaped monitoring device, has thermal sensors that continually measure the heat produced by a lighted cigarette as it moves to and from the user’s mouth.

To recognise smoking events and their smoking topography, such as the timing of a puff, number of puffs, puff duration, puff volume, inter-puff interval, and smoking duration, scientists built a deep learning-based machine model.

Preventive Medicine at Northwestern

A slip, according to lead researcher Nabil Alshurafa, associate professor of preventive medicine at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, is often one or two cigarettes or even just one puff. “However, slipping is not the same as relapsing (returning to frequent smoking).

When a person realises that they didn’t fail, they merely experienced a momentary setback, they can learn from their mistakes. Then, we may start to change their attention to how we handle their triggers and cope with urges in order to prevent a relapse.

The fact that existing smoking topography tracking devices must be attached to the cigarette alters how a person smokes and reduces the accuracy of the data.

Smokers can feel entirely at ease wearing the SmokeMon because it only measures heat and not images, which completely protects their privacy.

A total of 19 subjects, more than 110 hours of data, and 115 smoking sessions were used in the evaluation of SmokeMon in both controlled and free-living tests. In order to learn more about how 18 experts in tobacco treatment felt about the gadget, they also conducted three focus groups with them.

One smoking cessation doctor said, “These real-time measurements can really help us understand the depth a person is at in their smoking habits and treat the patient accordingly.

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